
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Remembering our Maker!

I've always been fascinated with the Titanic. This fascination started a few years ago when my younger sister wrote a report on the Titanic. I really was not interested in watching the movie when it came out in 1997. I felt the movie would not portray the real story of the Titanic, however; I finally rented the Titanic movie, and though it is an interesting story, it fails greatly to portray the message of the real Titanic. The movie sparked a new interest in my heart to research the true story of that great ship that met its doom almost 94 years ago. In my quest for the truth of the Titanic, I learned a whole lot more. I already knew that there were not enough life boats, life boats half full and unheeded warnings. During the movie, I noticed a great deal of blame being placed which seemed to be the hidden message. That hidden message blamed the captain, the engineer, and many other head officials. Only twice was the statement made: “The boat which even God could not sink.” I wonder … blaming God? Even though, the movie portrays the arrogance of the first class people, it fails to show the great hand of God. In my studies, I came across a book that was written shortly after the Titanic tragedy. There are two stories to the Titanic sinking. The one is a story of men’s arrogance; men who think they know more than God; men who believe technology can explain away God. The other is a story of Heroes, Heroines and of Cowards. There are so many reasons that have been given why the boats were only half full. The real reason why most of those first boats that were let down were only half full was because most could not believe that the great Leviathan of a ship was sinking. The realization of such a catastrophic event taking place could not be imagined. It was not until the great ship lifted in the air and sunk to its grave did most in the life boats realize the truth. Many might say: “How could a loving God allow this to happen?” The truth is the Titanic sinking showed the World who God is. “The list of ‘if only’ is seemingly endless: If only they had heeded the iceberg warnings; if only there had been enough lifeboats, if only they had not misplaced the binoculars, if only Titanic had not reversed engines, if only the ship in the distance had come, if only the wireless operator had been willing to receive the final message… The mathematical probability of all those circumstances happening in the order in which they occurred is so infinitesimally small as to force even hardened skeptics to acknowledge that the orchestration of these events could not be the product of mere chance. God was making a point.” ~ Douglas W. Phillips, publisher’s introduction to the reprint of “The sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters." God allowed this great event in history to happen, if anything it should serve as a reminder to all to realize that God is our Creator. He is the one who holds our lives in his hand. “Who hath measured the waters in the Hollow of His Hand.” ~ Isaiah 40:12. On that day, God’s hand was on many lives. Yes, so many were lost to the depths of the sea. Yet there were some that were spared, 705 to be exact. Most of those saved were women and children. And the stories that they tell touch the heart. There are tales of bravery for the men that stayed behind and the woman who were placed in the boats. I cannot state who was braver the men who died so that women could live, or the women who left their husbands and some who left their sons. Even after the ship went down and the screams from men and women who died grew silent, those women in the life boats took their place behind the oars and rowed all night long. Their stories have sadly been forgotten and replaced by a movie that portrays a love story instead of the true story of the Titanic. The true message of the Titanic is a message of human arrogance, those who forgot who God truly is … their Creator and Savior and a message of human sacrifice, those who knew the meaning of “He died that others might live.” On April 14, 1912, 1635 souls would lose their lives on board the Titanic… I wonder if this message had been posted before the Titanic set out… Would anybody have believed it? In our world today, if a message was sent out that life is short and there is life after death either heaven or hell and who you make your 'god' to be will make all the difference… Would anybody listen? The people aboard the Titanic, those who refused to believe that the great ship build by man's hand could sink... they made their 'god' technology... My friend, God holds your life in His hand, whether you like it or not. “Into the liquid tomb he fell, moments from paradise, With one last grasp he clawed the waves and caught his dear one’s eyes. His frozen face, his numb-ed hands, his body stiff and cold – An ocean legacy of heroism told. Down through the depths Titanic sank, and into her watery grave, Bound by such forces that God had decreed would render the hulk its slave. Downward she plunged through the darkness so cold, taking no inventory Of perishing hundreds who crowded her decks, bound for hell or glory. For women and children first they died, For women and children first; They put their faith before their pride, For women and children first. ~ Douglas W. Phillips April 15, 1997 Titanic Men’s Memorial Washington, D.C.

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