
Friday, November 19, 2021

The Ripple Effect > Leaving a Legacy

When I was a teenage, one of my teachers showed us an illustration using a bucket of water and his hand.  He said his hand represents our life as he began to splash in the water. He walked around the room showing each of us the bucket.  I remember the water splashing all around the side of the bucket and even at one point it splashed out by accident and we all laughed.  The teacher not missing a beat continued his illustration, some people make lots of splashes in life and some only make a few.  He pulled out his hand and showed us the ripples.  When you are gone from this world, what ripples will you leave behind?  Will you leave any? The ripples won't last forever, but you never know who you will touch with your life.  Will you leave a legacy behind? 
As I leave this office for the last time, I hope I've left some ripples behind.  "Every day is an opportunity to be a blessing to someone." I pray that will continue to be my motto as I step into this new journey of life. 
To the Berean students: past, present and future, make some splashes and leave those ripples.  "Be a Light" Was the theme my first year at Berean.  "Walking in the Light" is this year's theme.  Coincidence? The LORD has always known my path.  
Let's keep walking in the Light and SHINE!