
Friday, March 8, 2013

Rocks Revealed

A few days ago, I was thinking of a poem I wrote when I was a teenager.  I wrote it after we had been hiking through Rickets Glenn.  (Best place in Pennsylvania to see waterfalls.)  While walking the path, I had to keep looking at my feet so I didn't trip on the rocks in front of me.  And from that stemmed this poem Rocks Revealed. 

I use to wonder, as most girls do, about who I would marry and where would I live?  And that age old question:  "What would I be when I grew up?"  Now as I am in my thirties (scary thought) I know the answers to those questions.  Yet there is still a lot I do not know.  You know what... the LORD still continues to show me things through "Rocks Revealed."  Dear Friends, may the LORD continue to bless you as you walk on His path and as you see those "Rocks Revealed."

Rocks Revealed
I looked at the top of the hill,
So high it is, yet at the top is Glory.
To get there we must walk God’s will;
The path so full of rocks is our story.
Looking at the ground, near our feet,
We only see a small portion of our path.
In that small portion, many we will meet,
In love and joy, also in anger and wrath.
They all have their own part to play
In His great will that is so near us.
But we must not worry what people say,
We must only care that in God we trust.
One day, we will make it to the top,
For that day is definitely sealed.
Right now, we must never stop,
Looking down at the rocks revealed.
   (Original verse by Jennifer Byerly)

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