
Monday, December 28, 2009

God Never Moves Without Purpose Or Plan

There is much sorrow in my heart regarding my Grandmother's passing. I feel I must be strong for my whole family. I see my mother and my heart mourns for the "what ifs" she must be facing. Yet in the distance in my distraught heart, I hear "Where there is no more pain or sorrow." That is where my dear Gram is. How faithful the LORD is to us His children. God gives strength to the weak. And dear friend, I feel very weak and through it all I can feel God's hand guiding me. He has given me the ability to be strong. I believe that God is going to use my Grandma's passing to touch my Pop's heart. What an opportunity to speak my Savior's name and purpose to those around me. In truth, I am sad that my Gram has left us on my Birthday. However, she is HOME! Home with a sound mind! Home with no more pain! Home with Jesus! I miss her greatly, but there is no better place that she could be. No better place than at Jesus' Feet. Thank you all for your prayers. You will never know until perhaps in glory how much your prayers and concern have touched our hearts. Mrs. Rogers said God was going to do something great today and to let her know what that is. Well, My dear Mrs. Rogers it is this: that God has given us so many people that Love us and Care about us. All of your prayers have been that special something that has helped bring us through this day!


Blessed be my Redeemer said...

All praise be to God!! Thank you for letting me know! Love you, Jen...

Romans 8:28
II Cor. 12:9 & 10

Unknown said...

so sorry about your grandmother...i'll be praying for you and the family. love ya dear friend.